CrimeClub Maffia RPG

There are currently 0 criminals online!

  • Become The new Godfather or Scareface.

    Rise trough the ranks in the criminal world and become the new Godfather or scareface of the united states.


  • Carjacking

    Steal the most beautiful vehicles and fill multiple garages with these beauties!

  • Smuggle drugs, Liquid, Weapons, Animals or Fireworks

    Develop the best smugglers route and make millions as you evolve in all kinds of levels!

  • Build or destroy empires

    Do you have the courage to expand your family by taking over ground from others ? 

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Game Statistics

#1 Player: Lucifer666
Newest member: emarp10

Best family: Blood-Army
Most family money: Blood-Army

Killerking: Lucifer666
Most honored: Lucifer666

At this moment 0 players are dead

A total amount of 8.2M+ units were smuggled in and outside of the states

Our players have earned a total amount of 12.3K+ Credits

This is round 1 and started on 29 januari